Why Meta’s New Llama 2 ChatGPT Rival is a Big Deal | Digital Trends

ChatGPT has enjoyed a huge advantage over its competitors, even companies as big as Google. But Meta recently announced the latest iteration of its AI model, Llama 2 (Large Language Model Meta), along with the open availability of the model free to developers for research and commercial purposes.

For the first time this year, we may see the most significant challenge yet for OpenAI’s hold on the world of generative AI.

It’s open source

OpenAI was originally founded as an open source organization, a point Elon Musk has made. It has since taken a very different route, however, opting to keep much of the company’s technology behind closed doors.

This is where Llama 2 comes in to potentially have an even larger impact on how AI is deployed. With all the concerns surrounding ethics, privacy and copyrighted materials used by ChatGPT, some see an open source version of this technology as a necessary solution to keep AI under our control.

Our open source approach promotes transparency and access, Meta says in its blog post. We know that while AI has brought tremendous advances to society, it also comes with risks. We are committed to building responsibly and are providing a number of resources to help those who use Llama 2 do so too.

These resources include a responsible use guide, transparency scheme, and more.

Unlike ChatGPT, however, that doesn’t mean anyone can come in and play it. While Llama 2 is open source, companies with over 700 million monthly active users require special permission from Meta to use it. Meanwhile, the AI ​​model lacks a user-friendly interface, as it’s aimed at more technical and business use cases. Meta says Llama 2 is for those in tech, academia and politics who also believe in an open innovation approach to today’s AI technologies.

It could be as powerful as ChatGPT

Llama 2 looks promising as a real competitor to ChatGPT. It has also been lauded for having the same power capabilities as ChatGPT.

It’s a huge leap forward for open source and a blow to closed-source vendors, as using this model will offer much more customization and much lower cost for most companies, Nathan Lambert, a researcher for the artificial intelligence company Hugging Face, recently wrote in a Substack post that was first publicized in a Business Insider report.

Meta makes some pretty significant and impressive claims about how powerful Llama 2 is. Most notably, Meta claims it was trained on more than 40% more data than Llama 1.

Meta and its partner, Microsoft, said their collaboration allows developers to use Microsoft Azure to build within Llama 2, allowing not only access to cloud-native tools, but also allowing developers to seamlessly run the program locally on Windows. Llama 2 is also available on a number of vendors, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Hugging Face, establishing its credibility among developers. Meanwhile, ChatGPT had to have compatible alternatives made for different platforms by the developers.

Examples include the MacGPT application created by developer Jordi Bruin that lets you install ChatGPT as a remote browser on your Mac desktop. Microsoft’s Bing Chat is also based on ChatGPT.

Meanwhile, the quality of OpenAI’s latest language model has recently come into question as it appears to be declining in terms of accuracy and power.

We have to wait to find out more before we know for sure how powerful Llama 2 is compared to ChatGPT, but for now it looks at least promising.

More competition

There are other companies developing their own AI models, of course, but none have had the commercial edge that ChatGPT has enjoyed since its release.

Google’s Bard AI chatbot is still largely experimental, but is updated regularly by the brand. Apple is expected to join the AI ​​race with its own branded tool soon, however details on the chatbot remain limited.

For now, Llama 2 appears to be the most important new AI model in the game, and its open source nature makes it an important contrast to ChatGPT.

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