United Airlines makes the wizard bag disappear; Apple’s AirTag gets that bunny out of the hat


Danny Orleans is a corporate whiz. No, he doesn’t make the value of corporations disappear. We leave this sort of thing to executives who don’t know what they’re doing and watch as the value of the company they run falls in half. This might bring to mind a certain wealthy individual and a specific social media platform, but that’s a story for another day.

United Airlines makes a company whiz’s bag disappear

A corporate magician, like Danny Orleans, is indeed a magician, but one who performs at corporate commercial events. According to Insider, the magician boarded a United Airlines flight from Chicago to Newark on Tuesday as he was due to appear at a trade show in New York. But it was UAL who performed a disappearing act when the plane landed as a bag Orleans registered at the airport disappearing. And in that bag was $1,500 worth of audio equipment that he needed for the show.

Luckily, the wizard had packed an Apple AirTag item tracker in his bag. He checked his iPhone to see where his bag was and said, “I checked and I could still see it was still on the tarmac. It wasn’t in the terminal. I waited and it didn’t move. I waited and it didn’t move. I waited about 30 minutes, then it moved but it moved to another spot on the runway.”

So Danny waited in a long line as it seemed several passengers on his flight were having trouble retrieving their luggage. And when she spoke to the United baggage handler, she told Orleans that her bag had never arrived in Newark and had never been checked in. Despite attempting to show the rep that her AirTag indicated the bag was right on the runway in Newark, the United clerk wouldn’t hear of it and told Orleans the bag would be sent to its whereabouts within five days. But Orleans needed the grant for her show the next day and would only be in town for three days.
After waiting in that line, I said, “I’m taking matters into my own hands,” said the magician. His iPhone showed the bag was near the terminal, which made Orleans think it might be inside the airport.

So the wizard bought a refundable ticket to Boston (making some of his money go away) just so he could get to Gate 90. He went through security, walked up to Gate 90, looked out the window, and there was his purse lying on the asphalt exactly where the Find My app said it would be. “He was just sitting on the asphalt,” Orleans said. “The most frustrating thing is that someone walked past the bag while I was looking at it, and walked right by it, like it wasn’t his job to take it.”

Orleans remains a fan of United Airlines and flies the carrier three to four times a month

The wizard managed to find a United employee who could help him retrieve his bag. However, he was not allowed to deliver the bag directly to Orleans. Instead, he set it up to hang out on the carousel where Danny was finally (ahem) joined with his bag four hours after his plane landed. And the next day the magician got to perform during the aforementioned fair. Even more surprising, Orleans remains a fan of United Airlines and flies with them four to six times a month.

He also had kind words to say about Apple’s AirTags noting that they have helped him retrieve his purse three or four times. Interestingly, although Orleans received his bag on Tuesday, United didn’t know it and told him on Wednesday they were still looking for it and would let him know when they found it.

Eventually, the airline learned how Orleans retrieved her bag and released a statement. “We do our best to deliver the bags on time for everyone, we are delighted to have Mr. Orleans as a customer, we are happy that he received his bag and we have refunded him the cost of the extra ticket.”

#United #Airlines #wizard #bag #disappear #Apples #AirTag #bunny #hat
Image Source : www.phonearena.com

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