Navy DoD Supercomputing Resource Center’s New Supercomputer Adds Over 17 PetaFLOPS of Computing Power to DoD’s Capacity

Navy DoD Supercomputing Resource Center's New Supercomputer Adds Over 17 PetaFLOPS of Computing Power to DoD's Capacity

The Department of Defense’s (DoD) High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) recently completed a portion of its FY 2023 investment in supercomputing capabilities to support the DoD science and technology (S&T), test and evaluation (T&E), and procurement engineering communities. The acquisition consists of a supercomputing system with related hardware and software maintenance services. At 17.7 … Read more

Cerebras presents its AI supercomputer at 2 Exaflops

Generative AI is eating the world. That’s how Andrew Feldman, CEO of Silicon Valley AI computer maker Cerebras, begins his introduction to his company’s latest achievement: an AI supercomputer capable of executing 2 trillion operations per second (2 exaflops). The system, dubbed Condor Galaxy 1, is on track to double in size within 12 weeks. … Read more

Tesla builds a supercomputer since he can’t get Nvidia chips

Tesla CEO Elon Musk can't get enough of Nvidia's advanced AI training chips.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is jealous of Nvidia customers getting the advanced AI training chips he so desperately wants. Nathan Laine Bloomberg/Getty Images Think chip designer Nvidia’s trillion-plus-dollar valuation is mostly hot air thanks to the hype around generative AI? Elon Musk would disagree. The Tesla CEO is willing to invest well over $1 billion … Read more