Discover Lamini AI: a revolutionary LLM engine that allows developers to easily train language models at the ChatGPT level

Discover Lamini AI: a revolutionary LLM engine that allows developers to easily train language models at the ChatGPT level

Teaching LLM from scratch is challenging due to the lengthy time it takes to understand why optimized models fail; iteration cycles for tuning on small datasets are typically measured in months. Conversely, optimization iterations for a prompt take seconds, but performance degrades after a few hours. Gigabytes of data in a warehouse cannot be compressed … Read more

Putting AI to the Test: An In-Depth Assessment of ChatGPT and Other Large Language Patterns in Detecting Fake News

Putting AI to the Test: An In-Depth Assessment of ChatGPT and Other Large Language Patterns in Detecting Fake News With the rise of the internet and social media, the spread of fake news and misinformation has become an alarming problem. As a result, a number of experiments are underway to address this issue. In recent years, Large Language Models (LLM) have gained significant attention as a potential solution for detecting and classifying such … Read more

Do large language models really need all these layers? This AI research unmasks model efficiency: finding essential components in large language models

Do large language models really need all these layers?  This AI research unmasks model efficiency: finding essential components in large language models The advent of large language models (LLMs) has generated considerable interest among the public, especially with the emergence of ChatGPT. These models, trained on large amounts of data, can learn in context, even with minimal examples. This year, a paper presented at the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) meeting delves into the importance of … Read more

New AI Research Introduces GPT4RoI: A Visual Language Model Based on Instruction Large Language Model (LLM) Optimization on Region-Text Pairs

New AI Research Introduces GPT4RoI: A Visual Language Model Based on Instruction Large Language Model (LLM) Optimization on Region-Text Pairs Large language models (LLMs) have come a long way recently, demonstrating extraordinary performance in conversational tasks that require natural language processing. Examples include the commercial products ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, text-only GPT-4, and the opensource community LLama, Alpaca, Vicuna, ChatGLM, MOSS, etc. artificial intelligence models. As a result of the LLM’s effectiveness, the multimodal modeling … Read more

MIT AI learns molecular language for rapid materials development and drug discovery

AI molecular properties concept illustration

MIT-Watson AI Labs’ new AI system dramatically simplifies drug and material discovery by accurately predicting molecular properties with minimal data. The system takes advantage of a molecular grammar learned through reinforcement learning to efficiently generate new molecules. This method has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness even with datasets of less than 100 samples. This AI system needs … Read more

CarperAI Introduces OpenELM: An Open Source Library Designed to Enable Evolutionary Search with Both Coded and Natural Language Language Models

CarperAI Introduces OpenELM: An Open Source Library Designed to Enable Evolutionary Search with Both Coded and Natural Language Language Models Natural language processing, a major subfield of artificial intelligence, is advancing at an extraordinary pace. With its ability to allow a computer to understand human language the way it is spoken and written, NLP has a number of use cases. One such development is the introduction of Large Language Models, which are the trained … Read more