Terminal Industries Leaves Stealth Mode with $17M for AI Yard Operations

Terminal Industries Leaves Stealth Mode with $17M for AI Yard Operations

Particular attention has been given to the advancement of warehouse management systems (WMS) in the FreightTech landscape, revolutionizing operations within physical buildings for greater transparency and optimization. However, yard management systems (YMS) have received less investment and their innovations have been relatively dormant compared to WMS. YMS has traditionally relied on manual processes with limited … Read more

Explore the synergy of 5G and edge computing across industries

Explore the synergy of 5G and edge computing across industries

Author: Anuj Bhalla, Leader of digital transformation and cloud President & Global Head Integrated Cloud and Delivery Excellence The convergence of 5G networks and edge computing has ushered in an era of transformation across industries. 5G, often referred to as “enterprise G”, offers unprecedented bandwidth, reliability, low latency capacity and cost efficiency. At the same … Read more