Latest Android 14 work profile change should mean smoother transitions for work-life balance

The idea behind the Android work profile is that you can easily separate your work from your personal life without having to lug around a second smartphone. All your work apps reside in a dedicated container that can be easily deactivated at the end of the day, either manually or with a timer via Android’s … Read more

Insight: The race for “autonomous” AI agents is taking over Silicon Valley

Insight: The race for "autonomous" AI agents is taking over Silicon Valley

Jul.17 – About a decade after virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa hit the scene, a new wave of self-powered AI helpers is upping the ante, fueled by the latest version of the technology behind ChatGPT and its rivals. Experimental systems that run on GPT-4 or similar models are attracting billions of dollars in investment … Read more

Hollywood actors strike at midnight, join writers in pickets

Reuters graphics

LOS ANGELES, July 13 (Reuters) – Hollywood actors went on strike at midnight after talks with movie studios broke down, joining film and TV writers who have been on pickets since May and exacerbating the disruption of dozens of shows and movie. Hollywood studios now face their first double shutdown in 63 years, forcing them … Read more

Why the time has come to make a major change to the MacBook range | Digital Trends

Luke Larsen / Digital Trends There are too many MacBooks. With six options to compare, picking one from the lineup now requires in-depth knowledge of marketing and technical materials, the lack of which will lead someone to make the wrong choice. I know what your thinking what could be wrong with more options? Of course, … Read more