Putting AI to the Test: An In-Depth Assessment of ChatGPT and Other Large Language Patterns in Detecting Fake News


With the rise of the internet and social media, the spread of fake news and misinformation has become an alarming problem. As a result, a number of experiments are underway to address this issue. In recent years, Large Language Models (LLM) have gained significant attention as a potential solution for detecting and classifying such misinformation.

To address this emerging problem of fake news and misinformation in this internet-driven world, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Stout conducted extensive research and trials. Their study focused on testing the capabilities of the most advanced language modeling (LLM) models available to determine the authenticity of news articles and identify fake news or misinformation. They focused primarily on four LLM models: Open AIs Chat GPT-3.0 and Chat GPT-4.0, Googles Bard/LaMDA, and Microsofts Bing AI.

Researchers have thoroughly examined the accuracy of these well-known Large Language Models (LLM) in detecting fake news. Through rigorous experimentation, they evaluated these advanced LLMs’ ability to analyze and evaluate news articles and distinguish between genuine and unreliable information.

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Their findings aimed to provide valuable insight into how LLMs can contribute to the fight against disinformation, ultimately helping to create a more trusted digital landscape. The researchers said the inspiration to work on this paper came from a need to understand the capabilities and limitations of various LLMs in fighting disinformation. Furthermore, they said their goal was to rigorously test the proficiency of these models in classifying fact and disinformation, using controlled simulation and established fact-checking agencies as a benchmark.

To carry out this study, the research team took 100 factual news samples verified by independent fact-checking agencies and classified them into one of three: True, False, and Partially True/False, and then the samples were modeled. The objective was to evaluate the performance of the models in accurately ranking these stories against verified facts provided by independent fact-checking agencies. The researchers analyzed how well the models could correctly classify appropriate news labels, aligning them with factual information provided by those independent fact-checkers.

Through this research, the researchers found that OpenAIs GPT-4.0 performed the best. The researchers said they performed a comparative evaluation of leading LLMs in their ability to differentiate fact from deception, in which OpenAIs GPT-4.0 outperformed the others.

However, this study underlined that despite the progress made by these LLMs, human fact-checkers still outperform them in the classification of fake news. The researchers emphasized that although GPT-4.0 has shown promising results, there is still room for improvement and the present models need to be improved to achieve maximum accuracy. Furthermore, we can combine them with the work of human agents if they are to be applied to fact-checking.

This suggests that as technology evolves, the complex task of identifying and verifying disinformation remains challenging and requires human involvement and critical thinking.

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Rachit Ranjan is a Consulting Intern at MarktechPost. He is currently pursuing his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna. He is actively shaping his career in AI and data science and is passionate and dedicated to exploring these fields.

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