What is ‘Splinternet’? That’s why the Internet is less complete than one might think

A pencil drawing on a stamp showing a smiling man next to two computer screens with www

Splinternet refers to how the internet is fragmented, divided, separated, blocked, boxed in, or otherwise segmented. For both nation states and corporations, there is money and control to be gained by influencing the information people can access and share, as well as the costs that are paid for this access. The idea of ​​a splinternet … Read more

The Internet Age: A New Generation of Harvard Students Get Connected | News | Harvard crimson

Two students study in the library during their final exams in 1997. Online educational tools have transformed Harvard academics.

For Harvard students today, technology is virtually inevitable. Students select courses, submit assignments, and even attend classes through various online platforms. The Harvard School of Public Health and the Harvard Graduate School of Design have gone so far as to explicitly require students to have computers. But that wasn’t always the case. In a 2017 … Read more

How to rebuild the internet

Open source wants to eat the Internet

LR: Moderator Ashley Gold of Axios, Imo Udom and Liv Erickson of Mozilla, Peter van Hardenberg of Ink & Switch | Politician/Derek Robertson AUSTIN, Tex. The upheavals of recent years in the world of technology he turned conventional wisdom upside down by transforming it even-runs into celebrities, titans in turkeysand even the financial system itself … Read more

Not, like, the nine biggest pundits on the internet: Judges appear wary of sweeping Section 230 ruling – SCOTUSblog

TOPIC ANALYSIS By Amy Howe on February 21, 2023 at 4.31pm Eric Schnapper argues before the judges for the Gonzalez family. Justice Neil Gorsuch was “under the weather” and participated in the argument from a distance. (William Hennessy) The Supreme Court on Tuesday debated the scope of a 27-year-old federal law that protects social media … Read more